"My father was Levi Mordechai and his birthday was on the 8th day of the month, so I chose to attend minyan on the 8th day of each month as a way to honor my father. My father would frequently attend morning services, not only to recite Mourners Kaddish on his parents' yahrzeits but for other reasons as well. I believe it was partly to ensure there would be a minyan for anyone who wished to observe a yahrzeit and recite the Kaddish.
After I became a bar mitzvah he would ask me to join him when school was not in session. The minyan "regulars" at Beth El are extremely welcoming and love to see new faces. They even call out what page we are in the prayer book so you never get lost.
It is an easy, and actually enjoyable, way to spend 30 or 40 minutes before you head to work or your other daily commitments."
-- Todd Ritter
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